Monday, September 21, 2009

Its me again Elder Payne!
Life is good as it can be! Im getting transferred back to Bartlesville 1st ward, and serving with Elder Glunt again! I wasen't exspecting that! Ive been pondering why Im going back, and who's it for. I hope I can figure it out when I get there. It's a car share, so we will have the car every other week. Elder Glunt has 3 months till he goes home. So I exspect that I'll be there for 4 1/2 months. Making it a grand total of 9 months by the time I leave. Mission Tour was good! We spent the night with the zone leaders in Branson Missouri. We woke up at 5 so we could leave by 6am. We didn't get back to Berryville till about 7:30. Elder Jenson talked a lot about faith! How it is a particle and it can grow into exceedingly great faith!
We set a date with Mary for the 17th of October. A goal for her to work on. We also reset a date for Tina on the 10th, but we haven't been able to meet with her really. She hasen't called us back either.
We met a sweet new investigater yesterday! Jacob loves his son so much! He can't wait till his son lives with him next month. Get him away from his Ex that does drugs. The gospel is going to do him good! We talked about the importance of pray and how it can help him and his son. I used the example of How he would feel if his son didn't talk to him anymore and how its the same with our Father in Heaven! Well I reckon thats about it. Im mailing my camra card today. Sorry its been awhile. Just haven't taken any pictures really since Ive been bouncing around the past 4 1/2 months. I haven't gotten close to anybody. Ya'll take care!

Love Elder Payne!

New address:
1401 S E Osage Ave
Bartlesville, OK 74003