Monday, October 12, 2009

Its me again Elder Payne!

Life is pretty good. We had a lot of rain on Thurday! We had the car last week, but we still got wet pretty good! Its starting to get pretty cold! Our apartment gets cold since there's no insolation. I pulled out the thermals!
Welena came to church! She's still good for her baptism on the 23rd of October. She has 3 kids. All of them are boys. She has like a 5 yr old, 3 yr old, and a 18 month old. They have there hands full sometimes.
Zone confrence was good! I didn't have to speak! Haha! President Merkley is really focusing on the more excelent way, and trying new things to see the work go forth. Independence shut down for some reason. So now my comp is the District Leader. Its just us, and the other Bartlesville Elders. Its weird to be in a small district again. My last two area, both districts had 5 sets of missionaries.
Haha! Callie went hiking! Now thats something we don't hear everyday! Go Her! Tell her to send pictures of it!
Well thats about it for now! Ya'll take care! Thanks for everything!

Love Elder Payne!

P.S. Jared wrote and said there having a boy! Hes due in January! Haha! I have a nephew coming! sort of! Haha!